College Grad Financial Manager in Albany New York
Name: Ryan
Career: Financial Controller
Company Field: Sunward Electronics
Located In: Albany, NY
Grew Up In: Indian Lake, Ohio
Graduated From:
Majored In: Economics, MBA
Graduated In: 2008, 2013
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After College Lifestyles

Ryan is a Financial Controller for an Electronics company in Albany, New York. Ryan's job entails managing all of the company's finances from purchasing, book keeping, tax forms, and sales. Ryan's hours are relatively flexible which allows him to accomplish lots during his day. Check out his life in Albany.

List of Available Jobs:


Name: Ryan
Career: Financial Controller
Company Field: Sunward Electronics
Located In: Albany, NY
Grew Up In: Indian Lake, Ohio
Graduated From:
Majored In: Economics, MBA
Graduated In: 2008, 2013

Quick Stats on Being a Financial Manager

Work Hours/Week: 45 hours
Work Hour Flexibility: Medium
Quality of Lifestyle Outside of Work: Medium
Work Stress Level: Medium
Level of Routine Work: Medium
Interaction with Co-Workers: Medium
Pay Level (out of 5): $$$

Life of a College Grad Financial Controller


Manage purchasing, inventory, cash flows, accounts receivable, accounts payable and payroll on a regular basis for Sunward and several affiliate entities. Prepare annual tax return documentation for accountants as well as any and all data or information for funding of projects for Sunward and affiliates.

Financial Controller's Daily Routine:

6:45 AM Wake up, have breakfast, shower & get dressed

7:30 AM Drive to work

8:30 AM Arrive at work, check email and start tasks for the day

1:00 PM Lunch break

1:30 PM Continue daily tasks (book keeping, monitoring inventory levels, reorders, purchases, etc.)

5:00 PM Drive home

5:30 PM Arrive home, watch Fox Business/Golf Channel, Make Dinner

7:00 PM Work out

8:30 PM Walk the dog

9:00 PM Watch tv/movie

11:00 PM Sleep

Financial Manager After College in Albany, New York
How To Get Into The Field
I studied Economics as an undergrad where I acquired an accounting internship with the company whom eventually hired me full-time after graduating with my Bachelors. I then worked my way from essentially a bookkeeping position acquiring as much responsibility and duties as I could possibly handle which led to the position I hold today. The company is somewhat small and was fairly unorganized making this a lot easier to accomplish than an environment in the majority of other companies. After a few years of work I decided to return to school to pursue my MBA and acquire additional skills that would be beneficial to my skill set and job requirements, primarily focusing in Finance.

What Do You Really Do?
I oversee bookkeeping tasks and manage cash flows on a daily basis. I also monitor inventory levels and reorder points on a near daily basis to ensure purchases are made in a timely manor. Otherwise I am free to work on any projects I may have at the time or work on various daily/weekly/monthly financial and operational reports that I provide management with.
Pros/Cons of Your Job
I have a lot of freedom with my schedule with taking time off and what I choose to work on in a given day or week. I also am able to bring my dog to work, which is a great benefit. What frustrates me is the general direction that management is taking the company, which seems to be just limping along to sustain their paychecks and not to grow the company for the long term.

Tour My Albany, New York Apartment

Quick Stats on Albany, New York

Job Opportunities: Low
Competition for Housing: Low
Housing Cost: Medium
Population of Young People: Medium
Nightlife: Medium
Safety: High
Biggest Industries: Technology and Finance

The Life of a College Grad In Albany, New York


Working in Albany New York

What's it Like to Live Here?
Clifton Park is a very suburban area with medium to high-income families for the majority of the population. There is nearly everything you need within a few minutes drive and if you want something more Albany or Saratoga are only 20 minutes away. There are only several businesses in the area outside of restaurants and retail stores but it is centrally located to a number of nearby cities/towns with plenty of job opportunities and schools. The area is very big on soccer and especially youth development of the sport and holds one of the most well-known public schools in the capital district, Shenendehowa. The people and environment are generally nice and enjoyable with a few outliers. There are a few nearby locations such as Schenectady and Troy that I typically avoid for any social activities but there are select areas within them that are fine. The weather is very seasonal in the northeast with warm summers and cold snowy winters.

How Did I End Up Here?
I grew up about 2 hours north in the Adirondacks and moved to this area to attend school and have been here since. I like that my location is generally central to work, family, friends and plenty of social activities.
My Set-Up
I currently rent a one bedroom apartment with my girlfriend that has a full kitchen, dining room, living room and off street parking. We choose this location again because it is specific and they allow us to have our dog there.

Closing Advice


The job market is tough right now for college grads and the best thing to do is to get your foot in the door with an internship of just about any type. Being too selective at this first step is extremely detrimental for your ability to move past that position. Once you have something locked down be punctual, professional and work harder than the person next to you.

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