Social Media Consultant Job After College in Los Angeles
Name: Rose
Career: Social Media/Artist Consultant
Company Field: Music Industry
Located In: Los Angeles, California
Grew Up In: Texas
Graduated From:
Majored In: Music Business
Graduated In: 2008
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After College Lifestyles

Rose is a Social Media Consultant for a local band in Los Angeles, California. Rose's job entails writing all the band's blogs, creating and managing the social networking accounts, and editing the website. Learn how Roses's studies and writing skills lead to her current job.

List of Available Jobs:


Name: Rose
Career: Social Media/Artist Consultant
Company Field: Music Industry
Located In: Los Angeles, California
Grew Up In: Texas
Graduated From:
Majored In: Music Business
Graduated In: 2008

Quick Stats on Social Media for Musicians

Work Hours/Week: 10
Work Hour Flexibility: High
Quality of Lifestyle Outside of Work: Medium
Work Stress Level: Low
Level of Routine Work: Low
Interaction with Co-Workers: Low
Pay Level (out of 5): $$

Life of a College Grad Social Media Consultant


I'm an artist consultant for a local LA band. I write all the blogs, create and manage the social networking accounts, and edit the website. I create original content for pages, edit the band bio, edit and post pictures, and create event flyers.

Social Media Consultant's Daily Routine:

8:00 AM Wake up, breakfast

8:30 AM Catch up on e-mails, news

9:00 AM Get ready

9:30 AM Begin my commute to my client's office

11:00 AM Arrive at my client's place to start work

11:30 AM Check band e-mail account, notifications, create online events

4:00 PM Last discussions with clients, prep for following week

4:30 PM Begin commute home

5:30 PM Run evening errands

6:30 PM Relax, walk dog

8:00 PM Go to local band show to network and support friends

12:00 AM Come home, wind down

2:00 AM Sleep

Social Media Consultant After College in Los Angeles, California
How To Get Into The Field
I moved to Los Angeles at the age of 17 to pursue a career in the music industry. I attended Musicians Institute in the tourism epicenter of Hollywood. While it was a great experience in terms of growth, making friendships, and immersing oneself in music, nothing can truly prepare a person for this industry. It's a feast-or-famine experience, and you've got to live it. Currently, my freelance work for bands and artists puts me in the trenches of the live music scene. There's no better way to gauge the cultural mood of a city than to be in clubs and venues, meeting and hanging out with people. I answered an ad on Craigslist for a band needing a "music admin." Finally, a band who was willing to pay for my time and effort! (I learned the hard way not to work for free.)

What Do You Really Do?
A couple times a week I work out of my client's home office, bouncing ideas off him for social media and event posts, blogs, booking etc. I use HootSuite to schedule the social media posts by the week.
Pros/Cons of Your Job
I enjoy having flexible hours. I can work a lot from home, as well as do my work during my preferred night owl hours. The downside is that this position doesn't make my ends meet. It's my main source of income, but it's not enough.

See Life in Los Angeles, California

Quick Stats on Los Angeles, California

Job Opportunities: Low
Competition for Housing: High
Housing Cost: High
Population of Young People: High
Nightlife: High
Safety: Medium
Biggest Industries: Entertainment

The Life of a College Grad in Los Angeles, California


Living in Los Angeles After College

What's it Like to Live Here?
The weather is very mild. I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's the only thing about LA that is mild. The pace is fast. The people are an amalgamation of laid-back, even flaky, natives and ambitious transplants looking to "make it." Friendships can be fulfilling or transitive, depending on who you meet. There's always something to do here, but it can get tiring. Dating is a big challenge.

LA is fascinating in that one's opinion of the city reflects who they are: their values, friends, financial standing, even their politics. The people are an amalgamation of laid-back natives and ambitious transplants looking to "make it." This has been an amazing place in which to find like-minded friends. There's always something to do here, but the fast-pace can be exhausting. Los Angeles has a well-deserved reputation for being expensive, but that should not deter someone who really wants to experience this city.

How Did I End Up Here?
I moved to LA at 17. I experienced a welcome culture shock compared to my small-town upbringing. After 7 years, I'm still learning things about this city. I went to college here at a contemporary music academy. For better or worse, this is how I met a large chunk of my friends. I live in a very urban part of town, east of Hollywood. I take public transportation, which, believe it or not, is actually functional here. It's an adventure for sure!
My Set-Up
I finally live on my own in a studio apartment after years of transition. Apartments here are expensive, and jobs in my industry are hard to attain. I have spent more than my fair share of time "couch-surfing" or technically homeless. I've had every variation of awkward roommate situations.

Closing Advice


I wish I had better prepared myself for the job search after school. I was only 19 when I graduated, and I was unequipped for a career. I focused on the wrong things in school.

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