Life After College: Honolulu

Candy is a Revenue Manager for seven hotel properties in Waikiki, Hawaii. As a Revenue Manager, Candy's job entails forecasting hotel demand and supply to set room rates, meeting with the hotel general managers, and managing online travel agent sites such as Expedia. See what life in Hawaii is like for a college grad.


Leanna is an Elementary School Teacher in Honolulu Hawaii. She just graduated with a masters in instructional leadership. Read as Leanna takes us through a day in her life and her reasons for going into the educational field. It's obvious that she has a real passion for her work!


Eileen is a Public Transportation Consultant in Honolulu, Hawaii. Eileen's job entails cartography and code regulations. Eileen moved to Hawaii and got her job by cold calling around. Learn how she did this and tour her life after college. Her determination and mindset are truly inspirational.


Chynna is an after school special education teacher in Honolulu, Hawaii. Chynna works to improve the social skills of children with learning disabilities including Autism Spectrum, Asperger's Syndrom, and ADHD. Read what her daily life entails and what it's like living in Hawaii.