College Grad English Teacher in Houston Texas
Name: Erika
Career: English Teacher
Company Field: Education
Located In: Houston, Texas
Grew Up In: Houston, Texas
Graduated From:
Majored In: English
Graduated In: 2012
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After College Lifestyles

Erika is an 8th Grade English Teacher in Houston, Texas. Her job entails working with students to help complete assignments, generating reports, and maintaining classroom order. As an English Major from the University of Phoenix in Houston, Erika believes her studies have prepared her well for her role after college.

List of Available Jobs:


Name: Erika
Career: English Teacher
Company Field: Education
Located In: Houston, Texas
Grew Up In: Houston, Texas
Graduated From:
Majored In: English
Graduated In: 2012

Quick Stats on Teaching English:

Work Hours/Week: 40 hours
Work Hour Flexibility: High
Quality of Lifestyle Outside of Work: Medium
Work Stress Level: High
Level of Routine Work: High
Interaction with Co-Workers: Low
Pay Level (out of 5): $$$

Life of a College Grad English Teacher:


My job duties include, assisting students with assignments. I also have to generate student reports and maintain confidentiality. I must also make sure to discipline my students when behavior issues arise.

English Teacher's Daily Routine:

6:30 AM Wake up, get ready, and have breakfast

7:20 AM Drive to work

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Work with first, second, third, and fourth period classes

12:40 PM - 1:15 PM My lunch break

1:20 PM - 2:30 PM Work with fifth and sixth period classes

3:00 PM Go home

4:00 PM Read a novel

5:00 PM Exercise to Zumba

6:00 PM Grade student work and have a snack

7:00 PM Blog online

8:00 PM Get clothing ready for work, shower.

9:00 PM Watch a little bit of news and regular television

10:00 PM Get ready for bed

College Grad teaching 8th grade english in Houston Texas
How To Get Into The Field
College definitely did prepare me for the field that I am in today. I teach 8th grade English so it came as a piece of cake to me because this area was always my strong point. I was able to get into my work field after college without any trouble because I always applied at Title 1 schools where educationally at risk students attend. I always use what I learned in college at my work setting because it has made me a better professional. Aside from being a better communicator, I am also a better team player and I could always collaborate effectively with my peers. If someone were to be interested in this particular field, I think that they must possess patience and not mind working under stress and challenge. I also believe that if you love educating, you find this all worthwhile because it's always great to make a difference in someone's life.

What Do You Really Do?
I would describe my job as very involving. I have to interact constantly with students and make sure that they are not only listening but understanding each lesson. It takes a lot of dedication and an educator should be willing to offer one on one assistance when necessary.
Pros/Cons of Your Job
I love doing what I do because I love sharing my knowledge with the leaders of the students. I do get frustrated at times because kids can be very stubborn and rude and this only causes them to suffer academically. Another reason for my frustration is the pressure they put on the teacher. If the student is failing it is automatically the teacher's fault. Administration hardly ever wants to admit that the problem is behavior so the educator is the one who suffers. Anyone will like this job if they are willing to work under challenge.

College Grad Life in Houston, Texas

Quick Stats on Houston, Texas

Job Opportunities: Medium
Competition for Housing: Medium
Housing Cost: Medium
Population of Young People: High
Nightlife: High
Safety: Medium
Biggest Industries: Nursing, Technology, Engineering

The Life of a College Grad In Houston, Texas


College Grad living in Houston Texas

What's it Like to Live Here?
Living in Houston is great. The people are very nice, but it is very hot during the summer. The population in Houston is pretty high... you can definitely spot this when you are coming back home from work because Houston traffic is always intense. Stereotypes may be true. Many people claim that this city is a Hispanic community because Hispanics are what you see the most. However, I believe that it all depends on the area in which one lives. Nevertheless, I would see why every ethnicity would want to live in Houston, because of how it remains stronger than any other parts of the country during today's economy. Job opportunities are always open. I think that the people who would love to live here the most are those who are struggling to find a job. Companies are always willing to hire if you meet their qualifications.

How Did I End Up Here?
I grew up in the South East side of Houston and went to school in the district that I work for today. It Is always fun to see your old teachers or even work at the school you attended. I love living in Houston because I am very proud of my city. I love the atmosphere and the fact that I still live in the area where I grew up in.
My Set-Up
I love the way I live. I still live with my mother but I am ok with that for now. I have my own room, my own space and it's convenient for me. Our house is pretty big so I cannot complain about space.

Closing Advice


A piece of advice for college grads is to continue dreaming and doing what you love. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you cannot reach a certain goal. Live your dream not other people's dreams. Believe in yourself even when there are barriers that seem to be impeding you from doing what you want to do. Reaching your goals may seem hard to reach, but you'll eventually get there with determination, diligence, and perseverance.

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