College Grad Compensation Analyst in the San Francisco Bay Area After College
Name: George
Career: Compensation Analyst
Company Field: Technology
Located In: Silicon Valley
Grew Up In: Orange, Connecticut
Graduated From:
Majored In: Industrial and Labor Relations
Graduated In: 2011
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After College Lifestyles

George is a Compensation Analyst at a major technology company in Silicon Valley (San Francisco Bay Area). His job entails determining salary increases and compensation to attract, retain, and compete for new work talent. George's studies are in Industrial and Labor Relations. See how he uses his studies in his daily job.

List of Available Jobs:


Name: George
Career: Compensation Analyst
Company Field: Technology
Located In: Silicon Valley
Grew Up In: Orange, Connecticut
Graduated From:
Majored In: Industrial and Labor Relations
Graduated In: 2011

Quick Stats on Compensation Analysis

Work Hours/Week: 55 hours
Work Hour Flexibility: Medium
Quality of Lifestyle Outside of Work: Low
Work Stress Level: High
Level of Routine Work: Low
Interaction with Co-Workers: High
Pay Level (out of 5): $$$$$

Life of a College Grad Compensation Analyst


I run compensation programs at a major software company. This includes determines salary increase amounts, bonuses, and how to pay with equity in a company. The most interesting part of my job is Executive Compensation - how much to pay the big wigs to keep them engaged and make sure they don't leave for another company.

Compensation Analyst's Daily Routine:

6:30 AM Wake up

7:30 AM Arrive at work

12:00 PM Wish I could take lunch away from my desk

6:30 PM Dinner at work

8:00 PM Leave work

8:30 PM Arrive home, complete quick chores

10:00 PM Get in bed, read

11:30 PM Sleep

College Grad Compensation Analyst in the San Francisco Bay Area
How To Get Into The Field
I studied labor relations and economics to get into the field (at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York). Truth be told, I was applying to law schools when the opportunity for this job came up and decided to pursue employment instead of higher education. For my job, interest in HR, data analysis experience or skills (including statistics), strong working knowledge of MS Excel, and the ability to write well are extremely important to success in my role.

What Do You Really Do?
Model total compensation for people that make way more than I do. Design compelling compensation packages to attract them to my company if they are external or keep them engaged in they are internal. Tons of Excel modelling and analysis. A major part of my job is negotiation - people, for whatever reason - are very concerned with money and I do my best to explain how the company determines how much to give them.
Pros/Cons of Your Job
Pros: Amazing company, interesting work, top-notch co-workers, getting to understand what motivates people, dramatically expand professional skill set

Cons: Some monotonous work from time to time, clients can be difficult to work with, demanding hours

Tour My San Francisco Bay Area Apartment:

Quick Stats on the San Francisco Bay Area

Job Opportunities: High
Competition for Housing: High
Housing Cost: High
Population of Young People: High
Nightlife: Low
Safety: High
Biggest Industries: Technology

The Life of a College Grad In The San Francisco Bay Area


Working in Silicon Valley

What's it Like to Live Here?
I live in Silicon Valley (south of San Francisco) in the Bay Area. This place is pretty cool industry-wise but it isn't a city so there isn't much nightlife/social life. The weather is always - always - perfect but that gets old. I miss the seasons of the East Coast. Cost of living is also high but almost all employers pay to make up for those expenses.

How Did I End Up Here?
A good friend encouraged me to apply to jobs while I was applying to law schools. I chose the company based on reputation and, after interviews and getting into some really great legal programs, decided that it would be best to explore the corporate world. I haven't looked back since.
My Set-Up
2 BR, 2 BA - 1 roommate who is a friend from college. We chose a projector over a TV and it was an amazing decision (Mario Kart on a 120 inch HD screen). I'm a huge audiophile and have a 7.1 stereo speaker system. My apartment complex is more of a resort than a place to live but that's ok for now.

Closing Advice


I hope you majored in something useful and not English.

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