College Grad English as a Foreign Language Teacher in Ukraine
Name: Cynthia
Career: Volunteer
Company Field: Education
Located In: Simferopol, Ukraine
Grew Up In: Jonesboro, Georgia
Graduated From:
Majored In: English
Graduated In: 2011
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After College Lifestyles

Cynthia teaches English as a foreign language in Simferopol, Ukraine. Cynthia decided to volunteer and teach English before pursuing Law (having graduated from University of Georgia pre-law). Learn how Cynthia made this decision and what her life after college abroad is like!

List of Available Jobs:


Name: Cynthia
Career: Volunteer
Company Field: Education
Located In: Simferopol, Ukraine
Grew Up In: Jonesboro, Georgia
Graduated From:
Majored In: English
Graduated In: 2011

Quick Stats on Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Work Hours/Week: 20 hours
Work Hour Flexibility: Low
Quality of Lifestyle Outside of Work: Medium
Work Stress Level: Low
Level of Routine Work: High
Interaction with Co-Workers: High
Pay Level (out of 5): $$

Life of a College Grad English Teacher


The organization I work for sends volunteers in different specialties around the world to countries that have requested volunteer service. As an English as a foreign language teacher, I teach at a secondary school for about 16 hours a week and lead some English clubs after school during the week at various places around the city.

English Teacher's Daily Routine:

My lessons from day to day start and end at different times, but here is my general schedule:

7:00 AM Wake up

7:30 AM Eat breakfast (usually cold cereal)

8:00 AM Leave apartment and walk to work

8:30 AM - 2:00 PM Teach!

2:30 PM Arrive back home

2:30 PM - 5:00 PM Relax, check emails, prepare for English Club

5:00 PM Leave for English Club

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM English Club

6:30 PM Go home, or have dinner with people from English Club in the city

7:00 PM - 12:00 AM Relax, dinner, internet, lesson plan, shower

12:00 AM Sleep!

ESL Teacher After College
How To Get Into The Field
As a pre-law undergrad, I learned pretty early on that I should take some time to do something else before going immediately to law school. I had heard from many lawyers and former lawyers about law school and the importance of taking time to do something else before going to school again. I looked at many domestic teaching programs where I would have the opportunity to teach in a community for two years, but ultimately (and fortunately) the one that worked out for me was a global organization. I began my search the summer of my junior year in college. For English teaching, with an English major, I did not have to take on new jobs to prepare, but I did start volunteering at a local English language learning center in the town where I went to college.

What Do You Really Do?
My job as a teacher is pretty much like that of other teachers around me, except I am still a volunteer and don't put in as many hours as they do and I am still a volunteer working under my local counterpart. However, I do live here by myself, so I do not go home to a family, although some volunteers do. I am also lucky to have local friends who speak English, although the organization does a great job of training all volunteers in the local, so that opportunity is in this job as well.
Pros/Cons of Your Job
Pros: Showing people something new all the time. Finishing my main job before 3 in the afternoon.
Cons: Lots of free time while local friends are working. Not getting the same amount of respect that students in a foreign country give to their native teachers.

Tour My Simferopol, Ukraine Apartment

Quick Stats on Simferopol, Ukraine

Job Opportunities: Low
Competition for Housing: Medium
Housing Cost: Medium
Population of Young People: High
Nightlife: Medium
Safety: Medium
Biggest Industries: Government

The Life of a College Grad In Simferopol, Ukraine


College Grad life in SImferpol Ukraine

What's it Like to Live Here?
There are lots of young people and a few universities in Simferopol. Simferopol is also the capital of the peninsula which is bordered by the Black Sea, which is only a couple of hours away. There are lots of tourists here during the summer. Public transportation is easily accessible. Cold winters, hot summers. I do see public drunkenness in men around town at all times of day.

How Did I End Up Here?
My organization sent me to Ukraine, but I was interested in seeing Eastern Europe. I am African-American, so there are definitely adjustments to make while living here. I like that there are plenty of people here that are my age that I can talk to as real friends.
My Set-Up
I live in a one bedroom apartment. There is a bathroom and a kitchen. No roommates, but nice neighbors who I visit often.

Closing Advice


I wish I had had more money saved up before I left for Ukraine, but to be honest, I am very comfortable and not struggling. I did quite a bit of planning before coming here, so my real advice is just to do a lot of research, get a lot of advice, and plan before graduating to give yourself options for post-graduate life!

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