Jobs at Cisco
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Cisco is a technology company providing networking and communication solutions across hardware and software, for businesses and consumers, that "transforms" how people connect, communicate and collaborate. Cisco is a large company that provides a strong infrastructure to help guide college grad new hires' careers. See why it is recommended!

Name: Cisco
Main Headquarters: San Jose, California
Offices Also In: Morrisville (NC, most jobs for college grads here), Bedfont Lake (London), Singapore
Industry: ,
Company Size: 50,000 +
Founded In: 1984
Hiring College Grads for: , , ,

Quick Stats on Cisco for College Grads

Average Work Hours/Week: 45 Hours
Work Hour Flexibility: High
Level of Routine Work: Medium
Interaction with Co-Workers: Medium
Pay Level (out of 5): $$$$$
Number of Recent College Grads: 120 per hiring class
Benefits of Working Here: Brand recognition, high wages, opportunity to work with people with experience, large budgets, structure

What's It Like for A College Grad at Cisco?


Cisco is a great place for new college grads because of the structural support in place to ease new hires into the work place. Programs, orientations, and training provide guidance to allow new hires to figure themselves out (they are not "thrown" into a new position). Cisco also provides many opportunities to learn from experienced professionals at its company; especially those who have been in the industry for a while.

Working at Cisco After College

Hiring College Grads for These Jobs:

IT Analyst
Match technical requirements with business needs

Integrated Marketing Communications
Create offers, email messages, etc.

Financial Analyst
Internal financial analysis

Software Engineer
Development of new software

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Opportunities for College Grads:
Structure: There is a college grad new hire program. New college grads are hired and start in "groups," similar to college. After an orientation/crash course and training about the company, new hires are placed onto a team and assigned a position.
Growth Opportunity: It is typically easier to move up from the "new hire" level. Employees get promoted based off of their bi-annual year evaluation.
Learning Opportunity: Each team has a training budget that can be used to gain new skills (i.e. attend a convention, subscribe to a service). In general, all employees learn how to run meetings using WebEx, and how to be efficient. Other learning opportunities depend more on department.

What Do College Grads Do Here?
There is a large variety of different things college grad new hires do at Cisco. In general, new hires work from the bottom up to help support the team they are assigned to (and the department that they are in). No matter what department, everyone attends a lot of meetings in order to drive production.

What Kind of College Grads Would do Well Here?
College grads who will do well here include those who enjoy a structured company and all that comes with it: routine work, non-immediate results, and answers that are more "black-and white." New hires come from a wide variety of backgrounds.

What It's Like to Work at Cisco:

About Cisco as a Company


What is Cisco?
Cisco is a networking technology company that provides the infrastructure to power integrated communications. Cisco enables people to make powerful connections - whether in business, philanthropy, education, or creativity.

Cisco hardware, software, and service offerings are used to create Internet solutions that make networks possible by providing easy access to information anywhere, at any time.

Cisco's Culture?
Cisco's company culture can be described as collaborative and helpful. The Cisco family looks after one another. There are a lot of meetings to attend; however, the company allows its employees a lot of flexibility. Many employees telecommute.

Cisco's Mission
Cisco's mission is to become the number one IT company in the world.

Next Steps


Cisco's hiring process includes first meeting with HR and then doing a lot of phone calls. Having experience can get you a call back; however, the most important thing is how you fit into the team. It's okay if you don't know too much about your role, you just need to show you're a potential fit and you're willing to work with the team.

Cisco Contact Information:

Phone Number: 1-800-553-6387
Email: N/A
Address: 3700 Cisco Way, San Jose, CA 95134

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