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Expedia is the largest online travel agency in the world with many brands under its name including,, and Expedia has offices in every major city across the globe. In addition, Expedia actively recruits college graduates to hire for full-time jobs. See why Expedia provides a great experience for starting a career and what it takes to work here.

Name: Expedia
Main Headquarters: Bellevue, WA
Offices Also In: Every Major US City
Industry: ,
Company Size: 10,000+ employees
Founded In: 1996
Hiring College Grads for: ,

Quick Stats on Expedia for College Grads

Average Work Hours/Week: 40 Hours
Work Hour Flexibility: Medium
Level of Routine Work: Medium
Interaction with Co-Workers: High
Pay Level (out of 5): $$$$
Number of Recent College Grads: 10% of company (they recruit a lot of college grads)
Benefits of Working Here: Growth Opportunity, Brand Recognition, Personal Life Balance, Care for Employees, Challenging Environment, Resourceful, Stimulates Young Professionals, Positive Environment

What's It Like for A College Grad at Expedia?


Expedia is a great place for new college grads to work to gain new experience while working under a major brand catering to college-grads. Although Expedia may be selective in its recruiting process, the level of company intelligence is very high providing a great company environment for college grads to start off. In addition, Expedia's work-life balance allows college grads great flexibility in transitioning after college and beyond. A couple of other benefits include a casual dress code, great networking opportunities (especially from being at a world-class company), and great stimulating work environment. Overall, Expedia is a great company to start ones career.

Working at Expedia

Hiring College Grads for These Jobs:

Market Associate
Negotiate with hotels, problem solve, teamwork

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Opportunities for College Grads:
Structure: Expedia has a lot of structures and processes in place for new college grads. This includes formalized training sessions with groups of new hires (called on-boarding) and mentorships (within certain teams). The open door policy within the company facilitates having the ability to speak with anyone one-on-one.
Growth Opportunity: College grads have a structured path for growth within Expedia (this depends on the title). For the most part, college grads get promoted after 2-4 years with Expedia.
Learning Opportunity: A few of the many things college grads from Expedia learn include confidence, being able to negotiate well, learn sales, enthusiasm, professionalism, people skills (especially through speaking on the phone), and being a good story teller.

What Do College Grads Do Here?
Each Market Associate helps support the sales team specific to the region assigned. The Market Associate deals with Expedia's partners externally (representing the face of Expedia) to hotels, travel, entertainment venues, tourist attractions, etc. There are new challenges that come every day based off of the circumstances of the hotel (50%) as well as dealing with internal tasks (50%). New hires have their own goals (revenue related and personal) to reach.

What Kind of College Grads Would do Well Here?
College Grad new hires that would do well at Expedia are those who work incredibly well in a team. They are personable, extroverted (they need to deal and relate with people), smart, communicate well, and know all about hotels and how they work. A hospitality background helps; however, a general business background is also good.

What It's Like to Work at Expedia:

About Expedia as a Company


What is Expedia?
Expedia is an Online Travel Agency (OTA). In general terms, Expedia is a third party that delivers the products to the customers, easily and quickly. Some well-known online brands under the Expedia name includes,, and Expedia caters both to businesses and consumers around the world. Expedia's main offerings allow customers to find and book hotels, airlines, and car rentals easily and quickly while comparing and exploring all options.

Expedia is a publicly traded company. In 2010, it was named the largest travel agency in the world.

Expedia's Culture?
Expedia provides a positive atmosphere to work in. Although there are strict work hours, there is a general understanding for personal life balance. There is a slack dress code, and plenty of hanging out with co-workers inside and out of the office. In fact, co-workers are considered friends.

Expedia's Mission
"We know that every trip is unique, personal and has the potential to be transformational. With more travel options than anyone else, we can help you Find Yours."

Next Steps


Have a good understanding for hotels/hospitality industry, revenue management, sales, and be able to relate to people (the job requires employees to deal with all types of people -- introverted, international, etc). Have a good grasp on how to mold yourself to create relationships as relationship management is a huge factor.

Expedia Contact Information:

Phone Number: (425) 679-7200
Email: N/A
Address: 333 108th Avenue NE Bellevue, WA 98004

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