Working at Facebook
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Facebook is the world’s largest social network, with over 5 billion daily active users. Facebook's main headquarters are located in the San Francisco Bay Area; however, its offices are located world-wide. Learn why college grads recommend Facebook to work at and find out how to get a job here.

Name: Facebook
Main Headquarters: Menlo Park, CA
Offices Also In: NYC, London, Singapore, etc.
Company Size: >5000
Founded In: 2004
Hiring College Grads for: , , ,

Quick Stats on Facebook for College Grads

Average Work Hours/Week: 50
Work Hour Flexibility: High
Level of Routine Work: Medium
Interaction with Co-Workers: High
Pay Level (out of 5): $$$$$
Number of Recent College Grads: 500
Benefits of Working Here: elite coworkers, immediate leadership opportunities, top tier work culture, genuine mission beyond money, high compensation, free food and transportation

What's It Like for A College Grad at Facebook?


You want to learn from people smarter than you, do work that is high impact and meaningful and be encouraged to grow and bring your whole self to work. I'm not sure you can do that anywhere else better than at Facebook.

Working at Facebook after College

Hiring College Grads for These Jobs:

Software Engineer
Builds software that runs the company

Data Analyst
Extract useful business insights

Data Engineer
Implement and deploy new data models & processes

Security Engineer
Build and assess security of Facebook's infrastructure

Product Manager
Lead the ideation, development, and launch of products (Rotational Program)

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Opportunities for College Grads:
Structure: There is strong recruiting for software engineering but minimal recruiting of other roles like analytics, product management and design because those are mostly experienced hires. There are weekly meetings with your manager and regular work syncs to help with work prioritization but also tons of flexibility to figure it out yourself. There are some structured mentoring programs but it is highly encouraged to do independently. Collaboration is necessary and we are sort of anti-Apple in our level of transparency
Growth Opportunity: Tons of room for growth, there is tons of responsibility and always more to take on if you are able. Your ability to perform is really the main restraint.
Learning Opportunity: Necessary that you are willing and able to learn quickly. There are tons of tools and moving pieces to keep track of. You'll learn how to focus on high impact areas, grow technically and execute at a detailed level to understand how great ideas turn into great results.

What Do College Grads Do Here?
Varies by role but primarily new hires are engineers. Your job is to build product in the relevant area (e.g. newsfeed, messaging, ads, Instagram) by collaborating with Product Management, analysts and designers. Engineers are owners that must have the ability to think analytically and understand both the user experience of the end user as well as the technical back end delivering content.

What Kind of College Grads Would do Well Here?
Someone who is very bright, ambitious, loves to learn, has a natural curiosity about how things work and enjoys collaborating with others.

What It's Like to Work at Facebook:

About Facebook as a Company


What is Facebook?
Facebook is the world’s largest social network, with over 5 billion daily active users. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.

Facebook creates a more open and connected world and strives for everyone in the world to be on it.

Facebook's Culture?
Bring your whole self to work (since you are Facebook friends with everyone you work with), continue to develop and learn and explore the technical talks from employees and outside academics, actively question strategy at the highest level.

Facebook's Mission
Facebook's mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.

Next Steps


The easiest way is an employee referral but even that is extremely difficult to get an interview unless you are a software engineer. Otherwise, try on (it is actually checked) and campus recruiting.

Advice: Understand why Facebook exists and why that is something you need to be a part of.

Facebook Contact Information:

Phone Number: (650) 543-4800
Email: N/A
Address: 1601 Willow Road Menlo Park, CA 94025

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