Inflection Jobs
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Inflection is an e-commerce company with three main websites focusing on big data, public records, and identity management. Inflection hires many college grads and has an extensive college grad program with many perks and benefits. See why college grads recommend Inflection!

Name: Inflection
Main Headquarters: Redwood City, Californai
Offices Also In: Omaha
Company Size: 150
Founded In: 2007
Hiring College Grads for: , , ,

Quick Stats on Inflection for College Grads:

Average Work Hours/Week: 40 hours
Work Hour Flexibility: High
Level of Routine Work: Medium
Interaction with Co-Workers: Medium
Pay Level (out of 5): $$$$
Number of Recent College Grads: A LOT
Benefits of Working Here: competitive salaries, stock options, casual dress, free lunch, nice office, great location

What's It Like for A College Grad at Inflection?


Inflection is a great place for new college grads entering the workforce because they hire from top schools (you are surrounded by great talent) and have a great structured program to help make the transition. The main hires (of college grads) take place at the same time (considered a "class of") where you meet new people in events called "Milestone Trips." Overall, the company provides great flexibility for hours (employees work from home two-days out of the week), free lunch, and a great office in a nice location in the Bay Area.

Jobs at Inflection

Hiring College Grads for These Jobs:

ETL Engineer
Extract, Transform, Load

Engineering Associate
Perform a multitude of engineering tasks

Search Engine Marketer
Works on Organic SEO and SEM initiatives

Analytics Manager
Provides business insights for company

Member Services Representative
Help customers find solutions

View All On Website

Opportunities for College Grads:
Structure: College grads are hired and grouped into "class years" (based on when they are hired). There's a formal program that you go through before starting your actual work. Then you get divided into your team (based off of company function). There is also a mentorship program (you get assigned a buddy in case you need help with anything you're working on).
Growth Opportunity: There's a lot of promotion that takes place within the company. Most people are promoted within a year with more growth later (there is plenty of room for growth, not flat).
Learning Opportunity: There are two weeks of formal training that takes place after you're hired. The company is entrepreneurial: you'll be supported when providing new ideas and taking initiative to help the company.

What Do College Grads Do Here?
Inflection hires college grads into many different job functions that are different. Everyone is part of a team that works on a specific task from building new features and fixing bugs on the website, to analyzing which functions are and aren't effective. The range is large. Look at the positions hired to see what college grads do here. Engineering, search engine marketing, seo, analytics,

What Kind of College Grads Would do Well Here?
Someone who can take initiative in doing tasks would do well here. The job requires basic business and technology skills. Working at Inflection is best suited for someone interested in technology and business and is looking for a solid medium-size company with potential for growth.

What It's Like to Work at Inflection:

About Inflection as a Company


What is Inflection?
Inflection is an e-commerce company focusing on data and public records in the heart of Silicon Valley. Inflection has three main websites: Provides "people search." touted as a "phone book for the future. (Business to Consumer) Allows for background checks and personal identity management (Business to Consumer) Allows companies to do background checks during the hiring process (Business to Business).

Inflection aggregates billions of records and makes them available to users through innovative brands.

Inflection's Culture?
Inflection has an easy-going laid back culture. This is not to mean that employees at inflection are lazy. People take initiatives and get work done. A lot of decisions are focused on the numbers (as one would expect from a data company).

Inflection's Mission
"We want to surround ourselves with creative, independent-minded, and fully-engaged superstars who inspire us at both work and happy hour!"

Next Steps


Go to a top school (mainly recruits from top schools), have internship experience (from a tech or related company), or show evidence of specific job skills (based on the position you're applying for)

Inflection Contact Information:

Phone Number: 1-800-605-5087
Address: 555 Twin Dolphin Drive, #200 Redwood City, CA 94065

View Inflection Job Listing/Website

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