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ZS Associates is a sales consulting firm located all across the United States. ZS Associates comes highly recommended as a great place for college grads to establish and build upon useful skills for any profession. ZS Associates also hires many college grads every year. See why this company comes recommended!

Name: ZS Associates
Main Headquarters: Evanston, New Jersey
Offices Also In: Many - NYC, Princeton, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, LA, San Diego, San Mateo, London, Zurich, Barcelona, etc.
Company Size: 3,000
Founded In: 1983
Hiring College Grads for: ,

Quick Stats ZS Associates for College Grads

Average Work Hours/Week: 60 hours
Work Hour Flexibility: Low
Level of Routine Work: Medium
Interaction with Co-Workers: High
Pay Level (out of 5): $$$$
Number of Recent College Grads: Hundreds
Benefits of Working Here: Great development of hard skills (i.e., quantitative analytics, excel), clear career progression, good feedback structure, many young people, good salary

What's It Like for A College Grad at ZS Associates?


This is a great first job because it teaches hard skills (analytics, excel) that will be rare in other environments and extremely beneficial. The career path is clear and easy to understand, which makes it easy to decide if it is a good long-term option for you. Many young people around, though the experience varies by office.

ZS Associates Jobs for College Grads

Hiring College Grads for These Jobs:

Business Associate
Analytics and deliverable development for client business issues, often with challenges.

Business Analytics Associate
Similar to business associate, but heavier responsibility for more quantitative tasks with larger data sets

Operations Associate
Help clients create and maintain lasting solutions to problems that are better understood from the beginning

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Opportunities for College Grads:
Structure:High. About half of people hired are hired straight out of college, the other half is split between experienced professionals and advanced degree graduates.
Growth Opportunity: High, and very clear. With high performance, expect promotions every 2-3 years and competitive salary increases / bonuses annually. Early exposure to management of people and projects.
Learning Opportunity: High. The learning curve in the first 1-2 years is incredibly steep. Trainings and development sessions are frequently held, and project team structure encourages mentorship. Project experience is not as variable as many other top consulting firms, so you will likely get better at fewer types of work.

What Do College Grads Do Here?
Generally, you will be the equivalent of an 'analyst' on a team - helping to prepare the meat of the client deliverables, do analyses. etc. With high performance, you will undoubtedly be put into situations where you are managing or training other associates within your first 1-2 years.

What Kind of College Grads Would do Well Here?
You need to be highly motivated and willing to put in very hard work to meet very high expectations. Most successful college grads have a strong quantitative background, though the need for this varies by role (Business Associate, Analytics Associate, Operations Associate). People who always strive to meet perfection will be most well-suited for the position, though this is a skill that can be taught to most smart and hard-working people. An interest in healthcare would be beneficial, because in many offices this is the bulk of the project work.

What It's Like to Work at ZS Associates

About ZS Associates as a Company


What is ZS Associates?
A consulting company that specializes in sales and marketing strategy projects. ZS Associates is a global leader in sales and marketing consulting, outsourcing, technology and software.

For almost 30 years, ZS has helped companies across a range of industries get the most out of their sales and marketing organizations. From 20 offices around the world, ZS experts use analytics and deep expertise to help companies make smart decisions quickly and cost effectively.

ZS Associates' Culture?
Fast-paced, highly quantitative, high expectations, collaborative, structured. ZS has a team-oriented, collaborative work environment providing the support college grads need to make a contribution and witness its impact.

ZS Associates' Mission
Today more than ever, executives must drive their sales and marketing strategies and operations with data – and the expertise to interpret it. That’s where ZS comes in. We’re in the business of turning the art of demand generation into a science.

Next Steps


Network heavily with current employees before applying - having an internal champion will help you. Be prepared for challenging interviews - both case and behavioral methods are used. Ensure that you have a strong academic and experiential background in business or a quantitative field. Many of the skills that ZS is looking for can be demonstrated during the application process - strong communication, excellent organizational skills, etc.

ZS Associates Contact Information:

Phone Number: (650) 762-7800
Address: 1800 Sherman Avenue Evanston, Illinois 60201 United States

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